Tuesday 22 August 2017

Data Ingestion Framework for Hadoop

data ingestion tool for hadoop

Data Ingestion Framework for Hadoop

This version of the Data Ingestion Framework is a Script Engine you can use to ingest data from any database, data files (both fixed width and delimited) into Hadoop environment. This lets you get started, ingest the data in a matter of days.
If you are looking for a solution beyond Data Ingestion, please take a look at accel-DS for Data Integration. This solution let you ingest, clean and Transform data from a variety of data sources into Hadoop and vice versa.


To provide a simple, easy to use the framework to ingest data into Hadoop from a variety of data sources.


This is a set of shell script to which you can pass various parameters, such as source database or files details, target (Hadoop) details, target table name etc.,
This framework has a very small footprint and you can start ingesting data from day one.


  1. Ingest from a variety of data sources - database, data files (both fixed width and delimited)
  2. Target Tables, Data Types are created by the Framework
  3. Load multiple data files with a single call to the engine.

How to Ingest Data

  1. Download the Data Ingestion Framework.
  2. Follow the instructions to copy it to your Hadoop environment.
  3. Change Directory to the location where you have copied the scripts
  4. Use any of the Data Ingestion commands listed under Sample Scripts section, to ingest data into Hadoop.


Ensure Sqoop is installed and configured correctly. 
Use bash shell to execute the shell scripts in this Framework.

Sample Scripts

In this article, sample scripts are provided for the following scenarios:

  1. Create and Insert - Delimited File.
  2. Create and Insert - Fixed width File.
  3. Create and Insert - Table.
  4. Create and Insert - SQL.
  5. Create and Insert - XML File.
  6. Insert only - Delimited File.
  7. Insert only - Fixed Width File.
  8. Insert only - Table.
  9. Insert only - Query.
  10. Insert only - XML File.

1. Create and Insert - Delimited File

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create".Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Type_Of_Create Options "External, Managed". If External is chosen, then the table created will be EXTERNAL HIVE table. If Managed is chosen, then the table created will be HIVE MANAGED table.
3 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the table needs to be created.
4 Target_Table Enter the table name to create and load.
5 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File and Table. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file. Choose Fixed width, if the Source File is fixed width data file. Choose Table, if data needs to be imported from another database to hive.
6 Table_Layout_Path Enter Table layout file path and name. If the #Type_Of_Table is Delimited or Table, then the Table Layout File should have column names and their data types, it must be tab delimited. If the #Type_Of_Table is the Fixed width, then the Table Layout file should have column names, their data types, column start position and column end position, it must be tab delimited.
7 Table_Delimiter Enter the Table delimiter.
8 File_Delimiter Enter the column delimiter used in Source File.
9 Load_Data_Path Enter the Source File path with name. If you need to load multiple files, enter all the file names with path delimited by a comma.
10 Transpose_Flag Flag for Transpose. Enter 'Y' if you want to load data using Transpose Ingest.
11 Null_Insert_Flag Enter 'Y' if you don't want to insert null data into target table.
12 Table_Delete_Flag Enter 'Delete Target Table', if you need to delete the target table, if exists.
13 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.


Type_Of_Ingestion="Create & Insert" Type_Of_Create="External" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="Temp_Delimited_Data" Type_Of_Table="Delimited" Table_Layout_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Table_Layout_Delimited_Table.txt" Table_Delimiter="~" File_Delimiter="|" Load_Data_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/eds_request_data.txt" Transpose_Flag="Y" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Table_Delete_Flag="Delete Target Table" Log_File="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Log_File.txt"./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

Example:( Transpose )

Type_Of_Ingestion="Create & Insert" Type_Of_Create="External" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="EDS_Request_Prod_KV" Type_Of_Table="Delimited" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/eds_request_layout.txt" Table_Delimiter="~" File_Delimiter="," Load_Data_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Comma_File.txt" Transpose_Flag="Y" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Table_Delete_Flag="Delete Target Table" Log_File="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Log_File.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

2. Create and Insert - Fixed width File.

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create".Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Type_Of_Create Options "External, Managed". If External is chosen, then the table created will be EXTERNAL HIVE table. If Managed is chosen, then the table created will be HIVE MANAGED table.
3 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the table needs to be created.
4 Target_Table Enter the table name to create and load.
5 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File and Table. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file. Choose Fixed width, #if the Source File is fixed width data file.
6 Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag Options are Y or N. Enter Y, if you want to convert the fixed width data file to delimited data file. Enter N, if you want to load data in fixed width format.
7 Fixed_Delimiter Enter the delimiter, if you choose 'Y' for #Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag. This delimiter will be used to create the delimited data file.
8 Load_Data_Path Enter Table layout file path and name. If the #Type_Of_Table is Delimited or Table, then the Table Layout File should have column names and their data types, tab delimited.If the #Type_Of_Table is the Fixed width, then the Table Layout file should have column names, their data types, column start position and column end position, it must be tab delimited.
9 Load_Data_Path Enter the Source File path with name. If you need to load multiple files, enter all the file names with path delimited by a comma.
10 Table_Delete_Flag Enter 'Delete Target Table', if you need to delete the target table, if exists.
11 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.

Example :(If Arg Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag = "Y")

Type_Of_Ingestion="Create & Insert" Type_Of_Create="Managed" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="Temp_Fixed_Data" Type_Of_Table="Fixed width" Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag "Y" Fixed_Delimiter="|" Table_Layout_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Table_Layout_Fixed_Data.txt" Load_Data_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Fixed_Width_sample_value.txt" Table_Delete_Flag="Delete Target Table" Log_File="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Log_File.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

Example :(If Arg Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag = "N")

Type_Of_Ingestion="Create & Insert" Type_Of_Create="Managed" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="Temp_Fixed_Data" Type_Of_Table="Fixed width" Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag="N" Fixed_Delimiter="NA" Table_Layout_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Table_Layout_Fixed_Data.txt" Load_Data_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Fixed_Width_sample_value.txt" Table_Delete_Flag="Delete Target Table" Log_File="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Log_File.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

3. Create and Insert - Table.

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create".Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Type_Of_Create Options "External, Managed". If External is chosen, then the table created will be EXTERNAL HIVE table. If Managed is chosen, then the table created will be HIVE MANAGED table.
3 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the table needs to be created.
4 Target_Table Enter the table name to create and load.
5 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File and Table. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file. Choose Fixed width, if the Source File is fixed width data file.
6 Create_Layout_Flag Options are Y or N. Enter Y, if you want to create layout file automatically. Enter N, if you give layout file.
7 Table_Layout_Path Enter layout file path and name, if you chose 'N' for #Create_Layout_Flag otherwise enter 'NA'.
8 Column_Name_Query If you choose 'Y' for #Create_Layout_Flag, provide a Metadata SQL that can return the Source Table's, column names, data type, precision, and scale. This will be used to build a comparable table in Hive.
9 Mapping_Data_Path Enter the Source to Hive Data Type mapping file path and name. This file will be used to convert Source Column Data Types to appropriate Hive Columns. Refer to supplied Oracle2HiveDataTypeMapping.txt.
10 Load_Data_Path Enter source table connection string, username, password file path, source tablename and hdfs file path where the data from The source table will be stored. This information should be entered and delimited by ','(comma) in the same order.
11 Table_Delimiter Enter the table delimiter.
12 Transpose_Flag Flag for Transpose. Enter 'Y' if you want to load data using Transpose Ingest. #This option is not applicable if (Arg) Create_Layout_Flag is 'Y'
13 Audit_Columns Enter the Audit Column details. It should contain audit column name, audit column datatype and function name,. all details should be '~' delimited. Each audit column details should be delimited by ','.
14 Null_Insert_Flag Enter 'Y' if you don't want to insert null data into target table. This option is not applicable if (Arg) Create_Layout_Flag is 'Y'.
15 Table_Delete_Flag Enter 'Delete Target Table', if you need to delete the target table, if exists.
16 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.

Example :(Auto creates the Table layout)

Type_Of_Ingestion="Create & Insert" Type_Of_Create="External" Data_Base_Name="stage_db" Target_Table="EMP_TARGET" Type_Of_Table="Table" Create_Layout_Flag="Y" Table_Layout_Path="NA" Column_Name_Query="SELECT COLUMN_NAME,DATA_TYPE,DATA_PRECISION,DATA_SCALE FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='EMP_TEMP' ##CONDITION## ORDER BY COLUMN_ID" Mapping_Data_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Oracle2HiveDataTypeMapping.txt" Load_Data_Path="jdbc:oracle:thin:@,scott,file:/home/hadoop/Desktop/pass.txt,EMP_TEMP,/user/hadoop/" Table_Delimiter="~" Transpose_Flag="N" Audit_Columns="AS_OF_DATE~DATE~CURRENT_DATE,CREATION_TS~VARCHAR(50)~CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CREATED_BY~VARCHAR(50)~DEFAULT-J712798,PROCESS_CONTROL_ID~BIGINT~UNIQUE_VALUE" Null_Insert_Flag="N" Table_Delete_Flag="Delete Target Table" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Temp_Fixed_Data_Log.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

Example :(User provided Table layout)

Type_Of_Ingestion="Create & Insert" Type_Of_Create="External" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="Temp_Fixed_Data" Type_Of_Table="Table" Create_Layout_Flag="N" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Fixed_Length_Data.txt" Column_Name_Query="NA" Mapping_Data_Path="NA" Load_Data_Path="jdbc:oracle:thin:@,scott,file:/home/hadoop/Desktop/pass.txt,EXPORT_SQOOP,/user/hadoop/" Table_Delimiter="~" Transpose_Flag="Y" Audit_Columns="NA" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Table_Delete_Flag="Delete Target Table" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Temp_Fixed_Data_Log.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

4. Create and Insert - SQL

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create". Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Type_Of_Create Options "External, Managed". If External is chosen, then the table created will be EXTERNAL HIVE table. If Managed is chosen, then the table created will be HIVE MANAGED table.
3 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the table needs to be created.
4 Target_Table Enter the table name to create and load.
5 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File and Table. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file. #Choose Fixed width of the Source File is fixed width data file. Choose Table, if data needs to be imported from another database to hive.
6 Table_Layout_Path Enter Table layout file path and name. If the #Type_Of_Table is Delimited or Table, then the Table Layout File should have column names and their data types, tab delimited.
7 Source_SQL_Query Enter the Source SQL query in which data will be exported to target table.
8 Load_Data_Path Enter source table connection string, username, password file path and hdfs file path where the data from source table will be stored. This information should be entered and delimited by ','(comma) in the same order.
9 Table_Delimiter Enter the table delimiter.
10 Transpose_Flag Flag for Transpose. Enter 'Y' if you want to load data using Transpose Ingest.
11 Null_Insert_Flag Enter 'Y' if you don't want to insert null data into target table.
12 Table_Delete_Flag Enter 'Delete Target Table', if you need to delete the target table, if exists.
13 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.


Type_Of_Ingestion="Create & Insert" Type_Of_Create="External" Data_Base_Name="Cygnus" Target_Table="EMPLOYEE_MASTER" Type_Of_Table="SQL" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/EMPLOYEE_LAYOUT_FILE.txt" Source_SQL_Query="SELECT EMP_NO, NAME, POSITION, CLUB, NATIONALITY, BIRTHPLACE, HIREDATE, SALARY, PHONE_NO, EMAIL FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE HIREDATE > '25-05-2009' AND ##CONDITION##" Load_Data_Path="jdbc:oracle:thin:@,scott,file:/home/hadoop/Desktop/pass.txt,/user/hadoop/" Table_Delimiter="~" Transpose_Flag="Y" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Table_Delete_Flag="Delete Target Table" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/EMPLOYEE_MASTER.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

5. Create and Insert - XML File.

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create". Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Type_Of_Create Options "External, Managed". If External is chosen, then the table created will be EXTERNAL HIVE table. If Managed is chosen, then the table created will be HIVE MANAGED table.
3 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the table needs to be created.
4 Target_Table Enter the table name to create and load.
5 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File and Table. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file. Choose Fixed width of the Source File is fixed width data file. Choose Table, if data needs to be imported from another database to hive.
6 Table_Layout_Path Enter Table layout file path and name. If the #Type_Of_Table is Delimited or Table, then the Table Layout File should have column names and their data types, tab delimited. If the #Type_Of_Table is the Fixed width, then the Table Layout file should have column names, their data types, column start position and column end position, it must be tab delimited.
7 Table_Delimiter Enter the Table delimiter.
8 Load_Data_Path Enter the Source File path with name. If you need to load multiple files, enter all the file names with path delimited by a comma.
9 Transpose_Flag Flag for Transpose. Enter 'Y' if you want to load data using Transpose Ingest.
10 Null_Insert_Flag Enter 'Y' if you don't want to insert null data into target table.
11 Table_Delete_Flag Enter 'Delete Target Table', if you need to delete the target table, in case it exists.
12 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.


Type_Of_Ingestion="Create & Insert" Type_Of_Create="External" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="XML_Test" Type_Of_Table="XML_File" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/xml/XML_Layout.txt" Load_Data_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/xml/log_file.xml" Table_Delimiter="~" Transpose_Flag="N" Null_Insert_Flag="N" Table_Delete_Flag="Delete Target Table" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/xml/XML_Test_Log.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

6. Insert only - Delimited File

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create". Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the table needs to be created.
3 Target_Table Enter the table name to create and load..
4 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File and Table. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file.Choose Fixed width, if the Source File is fixed width data file. Choose Table, if data needs to be imported from another database to hive.
5 Table_Layout_Path Enter Table layout file path and name. If the #Type_Of_Table is Delimited or Table, then the Table Layout File should have column names and their data types, tab delimited
6 Table_Delimiter Enter the Table delimiter.
7 File_Delimiter Enter the column delimiter used in Source File.
8 Load_Data_Path Enter the Source File path with name. If you need to load multiple files, enter all the file names with path delimited by a comma. NOTE: The column delimiter in this Source file should match with the delimiter configured in the target table.
9 Transpose_Flag Flag for Transpose. Enter 'Y' if you want to load data using Transpose Ingest.
10 Null_Insert_Flag Enter 'Y' if you don't want to insert null data into target table.
11 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.


Type_Of_Ingestion="Insert" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="Temp_Delimited_Data" Type_Of_Table="Delimited" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/KV_LAYOUT.txt" Table_Delimiter="~" File_Delimiter="|" Load_Data_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Comma_File.txt" Transpose_Flag="Y" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Log_File"/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Log_File.txt"


Type_Of_Ingestion="Insert" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="Individual_Prod_KV" Type_Of_Table="Delimited" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/KV_LAYOUT.txt" Table_Delimiter="~" File_Delimiter="|" Load_Data_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/individual_data.txt" Transpose_Flag="Y" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Individual_Prod_KV_Log.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

7. Insert only - Fixed Width File

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create". Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the table needs to be created.
3 Target_Table Enter the table name to create and load..
4 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File and Table. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file.Choose Fixed width, if the Source File is fixed width data file. Choose Table, if data needs to be imported from another database to hive.
5 Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag Options are Y or N. Enter Y, if you want to convert the fixed width data file to delimited data file. Enter N, if you want to load data in fixed width format.
6 Fixed_Delimiter Enter the delimiter, if you chose 'Y' for # Arg Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag. This delimiter will be used to create the delimited data file.
7 Table_Layout_Path Enter Table layout file path and name. If the # Arg Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag is Delimited or Table, then the Table Layout File should have column names and their data types, tab delimited. If the # Arg Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag is the Fixed width, then the Table Layout file should have column names, their data types, column start position and column end position, it must be tab delimited.
8 Load_Data_Path Enter the Source File path with name. If you need to load multiple files, enter all the file names with path delimited by a comma. NOTE: The Fixed width layout in this Source file should match with the Fixed width or delimiter configured in the target table.
9 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.

Example:(If Arg Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag = "Y")

Type_Of_Ingestion="Insert" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="Temp_Fixed_Data" Type_Of_Table="Fixed width" Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag="Y" Fixed_Delimiter="|" Table_Layout_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Table_Layout_Fixed_Data.txt" Load_Data_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Fixed_Width_sample_value.txt,/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Fixed_Width_sample_value1.txt" Log_File="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Log_File1.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

Example:(If Arg Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag = "N")

Type_Of_Ingestion="Insert" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="Temp_Fixed_Data" Type_Of_Table="Fixed width" Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag="N" Fixed_Delimiter="NA" Table_Layout_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Table_Layout_Fixed_Data.txt" Load_Data_Path="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Fixed_Width_sample_value.txt" Log_File="/home/cloudera/Desktop/Table_Creation/Log_File1.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

8. Insert only - Table

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create". Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the source table is available.
3 Target_Table Enter the table name to create and load..
4 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File and Table. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file.Choose Fixed width, if the Source File is fixed width data file. Choose Table, if data needs to be imported from another database to hive.
5 Load_Data_Path Enter source table connection string, username, password file path, source tablename and hdfs file path where the data from the source table will be stored. This information should be entered and delimited by ','(comma) in the same order.
6 Table_Delimiter Enter the Column Delimiter to create the Target table.
7 Create_Layout_Flag Options are Y or N. Enter Y if you want to create Table layout file automatically. Enter N, if you will provide the Table layout file.
8 Table_Layout_Path Enter layout file path and name, if you chose 'N' for #Table_Layout_Path, otherwise enter 'NA'.
9 Column_Name_Query If you chose 'Y' for #Create_Layout_Flag, provide a Metadata SQL that can return the Source Table's column names, datatype, precision and scale. This will be used to build a comparable table in Hive.
10 Mapping_Data_Path Enter the Source to Hive Data Type mapping file path and name. This file will be used to convert Source Column Data Types to appropriate Hive Columns.
11 Transpose_Flag Flag for Transpose. Enter 'Y' if you want to load data using Transpose Ingest. This option is not applicable if #Create_Layout_Flag is 'Y'.
12 Null_Insert_Flag Enter 'Y' if you don't want to insert null data into target table.
13 Audit_Columns Enter the additional columns that you like to ingest. It should contain the column name, data type, and function name, Functions supported are UNIQUE_VALUE, DEFAULT-, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP delimited by ~ (Tilde). If there are multiple columns delimit them by, (Comma).
14 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.

Example:(If Arg Convert_Fixed_delimited_Flag = "Y")

Type_Of_Ingestion="INSERT" Data_Base_Name="STAGE_DB" Target_Table="EMP_TARGET" Type_Of_Table="Table" Load_Data_Path="jdbc:oracle:thin:@,scott,file:/home/hadoop/Desktop/pass.txt,EXPORT_SQOOP,/user/hadoop/" Table_Delimiter="~" Create_Layout_Flag="Y" Table_Layout_Path="NA" Column_Name_Query="SELECT COLUMN_NAME,DATA_TYPE,DATA_PRECISION,DATA_SCALE FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='EMP_TARGET' ##CONDITION## ORDER BY COLUMN_ID" Mapping_Data_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Oracle2HiveDataTypeMapping.txt" Transpose_Flag="N" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Audit_Columns="AS_OF_DATE~DATE~CURRENT_DATE,CREATION_TS~VARCHAR(50)~CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CREATED_BY~VARCHAR(50)~DEFAULT-J712798,PROCESS_CONTROL_ID~BIGINT~UNIQUE_VALUE" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Log_File.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh

9. Insert only - Query.

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create". Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the source table is available.
3 Target_Table Enter the target table name to load.
4 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File, Table and SQL. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file. Choose Fixed width of the Source File is fixed width data file.Choose Table, if whole table data needs to be imported from another database to hive. Choose SQL if you are passing SQL as a data source. In this case, you need to provide the Table Layout file as well.
5 Load_Data_Path Enter source table connection string, username, password file path and hdfs file path where the data from The source table will be stored.This information should be entered and delimited by ','(comma) in the same order
6 Table_Delimiter Enter the Column Delimiter to create the Target table.
7 Table_Layout_Path Enter Table layout file path and name. If the Type_Of_Table is Delimited or Table, then the Table Layout File should have column names and their data types, tab delimited.
8 Source_SQL_Query Enter the Source SQL query in which data will be exported to target table.
9 Transpose_Flag Flag for Transpose. Enter 'Y' if you want to load data using Transpose Ingest.
10 Null_Insert_Flag Enter 'Y' if you don't want to insert null data into target table.
11 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.


Type_Of_Ingestion="INSERT" Data_Base_Name="stage_db" Target_Table="EMP_SQL_TEST" Type_Of_Table="SQL" Load_Data_Path="jdbc:oracle:thin:@,scott,file:/home/hadoop/Desktop/pass.txt,/user/hadoop/" Table_Delimiter="~" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/EMP_LAYOUT_FILE.txt" Source_SQL_Query="select * from emp_temp where hiredate > '30-05-2017' AND ##CONDITION##" Transpose_Flag="Y" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Log_File.txt"


Type_Of_Ingestion="INSERT" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="STG_INDIVIDUAL_QUERY" Type_Of_Table="SQL" Load_Data_Path="jdbc:oracle:thin:@,scott,file:/home/hadoop/Desktop/pass.txt,/user/hadoop/" Table_Delimiter="~" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/KV_LAYOUT.txt" Source_SQL_Query="select * from STG_GARWIN_INDIVIDUAL where CONTRACT_RELATIONSHIP = 'OWN' AND ##CONDITION##" Transpose_Flag="Y" Null_Insert_Flag="Y" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/Log_File.txt"

10. Insert only - XML File.

Command Template

# Key Name Description
1 Type_Of_Ingestion Options are "Create & Insert, Insert, Create". Create & Insert option will create table and load data into the created table. Insert option will load data into the specified table. Create option will only create the table without loading any data.
2 Data_Base_Name Enter the Database name in which the source table is available.
3 Target_Table Enter the target table name to load.
4 Type_Of_Table Options are: Delimited, Fixed width, XML_File, Table and SQL. Choose Delimited, if the Source File is a delimited file. Choose Fixed width of the Source File is fixed width data file.Choose Table, if whole table data needs to be imported from another database to hive. Choose SQL if you are passing SQL as a data source. In this case, you need to provide the Table Layout file as well.
5 Table_Layout_Path Enter Table layout file path and name. If the Type_Of_Table is Delimited or Table, then the Table Layout File should have column names and their data types, tab delimited.
6 Table_Delimiter Enter the Column Delimiter to create the Target table.
7 Load_Data_Path Enter the Source File path with name.If you need to load multiple files, enter all the file names with path delimited by a comma. NOTE: The column delimiter in this Source file should match with the delimiter configured in the target table.
8 Transpose_Flag Flag for Transpose. Enter 'Y' if you want to load data using Transpose Ingest.
9 Null_Insert_Flag Enter 'Y' if you don't want to insert null data into target table.
10 Log_File Enter the Log file path and name to Store the logs generated by this tool.


Type_Of_Ingestion="Insert" Data_Base_Name="default" Target_Table="XML_Test" Type_Of_Table="XML_File" Table_Layout_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/xml/XML_Layout.txt" Table_Delimiter="~" Load_Data_Path="/home/hadoop/Desktop/xml/log_file.xml" Transpose_Flag="N" Null_Insert_Flag="N" Log_File="/home/hadoop/Desktop/xml/XML_File_Log.txt" ./Data_Ing_Eng.sh


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You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer any version of the Software, or any subset of it, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.


This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it by destroying the program, the documentation and copies thereof. This license will also terminate if you fail to comply with any terms or conditions of this agreement. You agree upon such termination to destroy all copies of the program and of the documentation, or return them to the author.

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